Barnes Old Girls Association
Become a BOGs Member
If you are not already a member of BOGs, and attended our school, and wish to join us, please click on the link below for a Membership Form.
Once you have joined BOGs, you will receive an annual newsletter/magazine. The Bog's Magazine/Newsletter contains reports from the Chair, Membership Secretary, Archivist, and photographs from members. All contributions will be gratefully received, copied and returned intact.
Serina Page was Editor until the end of September 2011, Patsy Farmiloe took over in 2012, Serina came back as Editor for the December 2013 Newsletter, and Sylvia Oakley and Sally Warcup, took over in 2016. Jan Connors is the current Newsletter Editor.
Please send all material for inclusion in the next Newsletter to
To join BOGs, download the Membership Form, complete the form, and then send it to the BOGs Membership Secretary, address on form.